
Wijmoのコントロールを使用して、製品に必要な部品を一覧表にする部品表(BOM:Bill Of Materials)を作成する例です。このサンプルでは、次のシナリオを確認することができます。

  • FlexGridおよびTreeViewによりデータの可視化します
  • AutoCompleteを利用して、TreeView内のアイテム検索します
  • FlexGridFilterを利用して、Excelライクな検索を提供します
import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; import * as wjNav from '@mescius/wijmo.nav'; import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; import * as wjInput from '@mescius/wijmo.input'; import { getData, getGridData } from './data'; import '@mescius/wijmo.cultures/wijmo.culture.ja'; import { FlexGrid } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; import { FlexGridFilter } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.filter'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { class searchItem { } // grid with selectable columns let flexGrid = new FlexGrid('#theGrid', { autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { binding: 'productCode', width: 110, header: '商品コード', isReadOnly: true }, { binding: 'name', width: 100, header: '名称' }, { binding: 'category', width: 60, header: '区分' }, { binding: 'quantity', width: 80, header: '発注数' }, { binding: 'unitPrice', width: 80, header: '単価', format: 'c' }, { binding: 'supplier', width: 150, header: 'サプライヤ' }, { binding: 'date', width: 100, header: '発注日' }, { binding: 'others', width: 100, header: '備考' }, ], itemsSource: getGridData(), }); // create the tree let tree = new wjNav.TreeView('#theTree', { itemsSource: getData(), displayMemberPath: 'header', childItemsPath: 'items', selectedItemChanged: function (s, e) { if (document.getElementById('cb').checked) { let rowIndex = flexGrid.rows.findIndex((row) => row.dataItem.productCode === s.selectedItem.productCode); if (rowIndex > -1) { wjGrid.CellRange(rowIndex, 0, rowIndex, flexGrid.columns.length), true); } } }, autoCollapse: false, imageMemberPath: 'img' }); flexGrid.formatItem.addHandler(function (s, e) { if (e.panel == s.rowHeaders) { e.cell.innerHTML = '<div >' + (e.row + 1) + '</div>'; } }); let search = new wjInput.AutoComplete('#search', { itemsSource: getSearchList(tree.itemsSource), selectedIndex: -1, displayMemberPath: 'path', searchMemberPath: 'keywords', selectedIndexChanged: function (s) { if (s.selectedItem) { tree.selectedItem = s.selectedItem.item; } } }); let filter = new FlexGridFilter(flexGrid); function getSearchList(items, searchList, path) { // set defaults if (searchList == null) searchList = []; if (path == null) path = ''; // add items and sub-items for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i]; searchList.push({ item: item, path: path + item.header, keywords: item.keywords }); if (item.items) { getSearchList(item.items, searchList, path + item.header + '/'); } } return searchList; } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo BOM Example2</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="" integrity="sha512-skZbMyvYdNoZfLmiGn5ii6KmklM82rYX2uWctBhzaXPxJgiv4XBwJnFGr5k8s+6tE1pcR1nuTKghozJHyzMcoA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="lists form-inline well"> <label for="search">ツリービューの検索: </label> <div id="search"></div> <br><br> <input type="checkbox" id="cb">ツリービューの選択されているデータをグリッドでも選択します。 </div> <div class="dataList"> <div id="theTree" class="custom-tree"></div> <div id="theGrid"></div> </div> <p>このデモサイトではBootstrap Iconsを利用しています。</p> <p>Copyright (c) 2011-2024 The Bootstrap Authors</p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bootstrap Iconsのライセンス</a> </div> </body> </html>
export function getData() { let imgUrl = 'resources/'; return [ { header: 'BicycleTypeA', img: imgUrl + 'bicycle.svg', productCode: "BTA-01", items: [ { header: 'ボディ', productCode: "BTA-02", items: [ { header: 'フレーム', productCode: "BTA-02-01" }, { header: 'ハンドル', productCode: "BTA-02-02", }, ], }, { header: 'ベル', img: imgUrl + 'bell.svg', productCode: "BTA-03" }, { header: 'リフレクター', productCode: "BTA-04" }, { header: 'サドル', productCode: "BTA-05" }, { header: 'ホイール', img: imgUrl + 'gear.svg', productCode: "BTA-06", items: [ { header: 'リム', productCode: "BTA-06-01" }, { header: 'スポーク', productCode: "BTA-06-02" }, { header: 'ハブ', productCode: "BTA-06-03" }, ], }, { header: 'トランスミッション', img: imgUrl + 'tools.svg', productCode: "BTA-07", items: [ { header: 'スプロケット', productCode: "BTA-07-01" }, { header: 'チェーン', productCode: "BTA-07-02" }, { header: 'シフトレバー', productCode: "BTA-07-03" }, { header: 'シフトワイヤー', productCode: "BTA-07-04" }, ], }, { header: 'ブレーキ', productCode: "BTA-08", items: [ { header: 'ブレーキレバー', productCode: "BTA-08-01" }, { header: 'ブレーキワイヤー', productCode: "BTA-08-02" } ], }, { header: 'ペダル', productCode: "BTA-09" }, { header: 'スタンド', productCode: "BTA-10" }, ] }, { header: 'BicycleTypeB', productCode: "BTB-01", img: imgUrl + 'bicycle.svg', items: [ { header: 'ボディ', productCode: "BTB-02", items: [ { header: 'フレーム', productCode: "BTB-02-01" }, { header: 'ハンドル', productCode: "BTB-02-02", }, ], }, { header: 'ベル', img: imgUrl + 'bell.svg', productCode: "BTB-03" }, { header: 'リフレクター', productCode: "BTB-04" }, { header: 'サドル', productCode: "BTB-05" }, { header: 'ホイール', img: imgUrl + 'gear.svg', productCode: "BTB-06", items: [ { header: 'リム', productCode: "BTB-06-01" }, { header: 'スポーク', productCode: "BTB-06-02" }, { header: 'ハブ', productCode: "BTB-06-03" }, ], }, { header: 'トランスミッション', img: imgUrl + 'tools.svg', productCode: "BTB-07", items: [ { header: 'スプロケット', productCode: "BTB-07-01" }, { header: 'チェーン', productCode: "BTB-07-02" }, { header: 'シフトレバー', productCode: "BTB-07-03" }, { header: 'シフトワイヤー', productCode: "BTB-07-04" }, ], }, { header: 'ブレーキ', productCode: "BTB-08", items: [ { header: 'ブレーキレバー', productCode: "BTB-08-01" }, { header: 'ブレーキワイヤー', productCode: "BTB-08-02" } ], }, { header: 'ペダル', productCode: "BTB-09" }, { header: 'スタンド', productCode: "BTB-10" }, ] }, { header: 'BicycleTypeC', productCode: "BTC-01", img: imgUrl + 'bicycle.svg', items: [ { header: 'ボディ', productCode: "BTC-02", items: [ { header: 'フレーム', productCode: "BTC-02-01" }, { header: 'ハンドル', productCode: "BTC-02-02", }, ], }, { header: 'ベル', img: imgUrl + 'bell.svg', productCode: "BTC-03" }, { header: 'リフレクター', productCode: "BTC-04" }, { header: 'サドル', productCode: "BTC-05" }, { header: 'ホイール', img: imgUrl + 'gear.svg', productCode: "BTC-06", items: [ { header: 'リム', productCode: "BTC-06-01" }, { header: 'スポーク', productCode: "BTC-06-02" }, { header: 'ハブ', productCode: "BTC-06-03" }, ], }, { header: 'トランスミッション', img: imgUrl + 'gear.svg', productCode: "BTC-07", items: [ { header: 'スプロケット', productCode: "BTC-07-01" }, { header: 'チェーン', productCode: "BTC-07-02" }, { header: 'シフトレバー', productCode: "BTC-07-03" }, { header: 'シフトワイヤー', productCode: "BTC-07-04" }, ], }, { header: 'ブレーキ', productCode: "BTC-08", items: [ { header: 'ブレーキレバー', productCode: "BTC-08-01" }, { header: 'ブレーキワイヤー', productCode: "BTC-08-02" } ], }, { header: 'ペダル', productCode: "BTC-09" }, { header: 'Stand', productCode: "BTC-10" }, ] }, { header: 'BicycleTypeAPro', productCode: "BTAP-01", img: imgUrl + 'bicycle.svg', items: [ { header: 'ボディ', productCode: "BTAP-02", items: [ { header: 'フレーム', productCode: "BTAP-02-01" }, { header: 'ハンドル', productCode: "BTAP-02-02", }, ], }, { header: 'ベル', img: imgUrl + 'bell.svg', productCode: "BTAP-03" }, { header: 'リフレクター', productCode: "BTAP-04" }, { header: 'サドル', productCode: "BTAP-05" }, { header: 'ホイール', img: imgUrl + 'gear.svg', productCode: "BTAP-06", items: [ { header: 'リム', productCode: "BTAP-06-01" }, { header: 'スポーク', productCode: "BTAP-06-02" }, { header: 'ハブ', productCode: "BTAP-06-03" }, ], }, { header: 'トランスミッション', img: imgUrl + 'tools.svg', productCode: "BTAP-07", items: [ { header: 'スプロケット', productCode: "BTAP-07-01" }, { header: 'チェーン', productCode: "BTAP-07-02" }, { header: 'シフトレバー', productCode: "BTAP-07-03" }, { header: 'シフトワイヤー', productCode: "BTAP-07-04" }, ], }, { header: 'ブレーキ', productCode: "BTAP-08", items: [ { header: 'ブレーキレバー', productCode: "BTAP-08-01" }, { header: 'ブレーキワイヤー', productCode: "BTAP-08-02" } ], }, { header: 'ペダル', productCode: "BTAP-09" }, { header: 'スタンド', productCode: "BTAP-10" }, ] } ]; } export function getGridData() { return [ //BTA { productCode: "BTA-01", name: "BicycleTypeA", category: "プロダクト", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 35000, supplier: 'GrapeCycle Ltd.', date: new Date(), others: '承認待ち' }, { productCode: "BTA-02", name: "ボディ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 4500, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-02-01", name: "フレーム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-02-02", name: "ハンドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1500, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-03", name: "ベル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '仙台ベル工房', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-04", name: "リフレクター", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-05", name: "サドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-06", name: "ホイール", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-06-01", name: "リム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 2000, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-06-02", name: "スポーク", category: "パーツ", quantity: 24, unitPrice: 100, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-06-03", name: "ハブ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 600, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-07", name: "トランスミッション", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 2700, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-07-01", name: "スプロケット", category: "パーツ", quantity: 8, unitPrice: 800, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-07-02", name: "チェーン", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄チェーン', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-07-03", name: "シフトレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-07-04", name: "シフトワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-08", name: "ブレーキ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-08-01", name: "ブレーキレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 400, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-08-02", name: "ブレーキワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-09", name: "ペダル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTA-10", name: "スタンド", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, //BTB { productCode: "BTB-01", name: "BicycleTypeB", category: "プロダクト", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 35000, supplier: 'GrapeCycle Ltd.', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-02", name: "ボディ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 4500, unitPrice: 1, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-02-01", name: "フレーム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-02-02", name: "ハンドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1500, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-03", name: "ベル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '仙台ベル工房', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-04", name: "リフレクター", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-05", name: "サドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-06", name: "ホイール", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 1, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-06-01", name: "リム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 2000, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-06-02", name: "スポーク", category: "パーツ", quantity: 24, unitPrice: 100, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-06-03", name: "ハブ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 6, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-07", name: "トランスミッション", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-07-01", name: "スプロケット", category: "パーツ", quantity: 8, unitPrice: 800, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-07-02", name: "チェーン", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄チェーン', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-07-03", name: "シフトレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-07-04", name: "シフトワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-08", name: "ブレーキ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-08-01", name: "ブレーキレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 400, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-08-02", name: "ブレーキワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-09", name: "ペダル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTB-10", name: "スタンド", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, //BTC { productCode: "BTC-01", name: "BicycleTypeC", category: "プロダクト", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 35000, supplier: 'GrapeCycle Ltd.', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-02", name: "ボディ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 50000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-02-01", name: "フレーム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-02-02", name: "ハンドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 2000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-03", name: "ベル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 5, supplier: '仙台ベル工房', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-04", name: "リフレクター", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 1500, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-05", name: "サドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-06", name: "ホイール", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-06-01", name: "リム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 2000, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-06-02", name: "スポーク", category: "パーツ", quantity: 24, unitPrice: 100, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-06-03", name: "ハブ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 600, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-07", name: "トランスミッション", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 6000, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-07-01", name: "スプロケット", category: "パーツ", quantity: 8, unitPrice: 800, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-07-02", name: "チェーン", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄チェーン', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-07-03", name: "シフトレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-07-04", name: "シフトワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-08", name: "ブレーキ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3200, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-08-01", name: "ブレーキレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 400, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-08-02", name: "ブレーキワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: 'Muscut Parts Thai', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-09", name: "ペダル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTC-10", name: "スタンド", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, //BTAP { productCode: "BTAP-01", name: "BicycleTypeAPro", category: "プロダクト", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 35000, supplier: 'GrapeCycle Ltd.', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-02", name: "ボディ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 4500, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-02-01", name: "フレーム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 3000, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-02-02", name: "ハンドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1500, supplier: 'シラー製作所', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-03", name: "ベル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '仙台ベル工房', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-04", name: "リフレクター", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-05", name: "サドル", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 1000, supplier: '(株)葡萄自転車', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-06", name: "ホイール", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 2200, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-06-01", name: "リム", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 2000, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-06-02", name: "スポーク", category: "パーツ", quantity: 24, unitPrice: 100, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-06-03", name: "ハブ", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 600, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-07", name: "トランスミッション", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 30000, supplier: '', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-07-01", name: "スプロケット", category: "パーツ", quantity: 8, unitPrice: 800, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-07-02", name: "チェーン", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄チェーン', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-07-03", name: "シフトレバー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 1, unitPrice: 500, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-07-04", name: "シフトワイヤー", category: "パーツ", quantity: 2, unitPrice: 200, supplier: '葡萄製鉄(株)', date: new Date(), others: '' }, { productCode: "BTAP-08", name: "ブレーキ", category: "パーツ", 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