

  • 実績一覧のタブ
    • MultiRow
      • headerLayoutDefinitionプロパティおよびlayoutdefinitionプロパティを利用することでヘッダー部分とデータ部分で表示させる項目を変更しています。これは、MultiRowの特徴的な機能です。
      • 過不足の行では、cellTemplateプロパティを利用することで過不足の値がマイナスの場合に、テキストを強調しています。
    • CollectionView
      • calculatedFieldsプロパティを利用することで、データソース(元データ)から値を自由に演算します。
        • 例えば、当月卸売合計のセルは当月店舗と当月業者の値を合算しています。他のグリッド内の水色の背景色のセルも同様に、任意の自動計算を設定しています。
        • 背景色の設定されていないデータを変更すると、値が自動計算されることを確認することができます。
  • ダッシュボードタブ
    • FlexChart
      • FlexChartのデータソースはMultiRowと同一のCollectionViewを利用しているため、MultiRowのデータを変更することで自動的にFlexChartのデータも更新されます。
    • RadialGauge
      • MultiRowのイベントを利用してデータを変更された時に、再集計しています。
import 'bootstrap.css'; import '@mescius/wijmo.styles/wijmo.css'; import './styles.css'; import { MultiRow } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid.multirow'; import { cvData, headerLayout, layout, getSeries } from './data'; import { AllowSorting, AllowDragging } from '@mescius/wijmo.grid'; import * as chart from '@mescius/wijmo.chart'; import * as core from '@mescius/wijmo'; import * as wjNav from '@mescius/wijmo.nav'; import { ShowText, RadialGauge } from '@mescius/wijmo.gauge'; // document.readyState === 'complete' ? init() : window.onload = init; // function init() { let theTabPanel = new wjNav.TabPanel('#theTabPanel', { isAnimated: true, }); let barchart = new chart.FlexChart('#chart', { header: '拠点別実績', legend: { position: chart.Position.Bottom, }, bindingX: 'local', series: [ { binding: 'lmactTotal', name: '販売実績(当月)', }, { binding: 'ytyactTotal', name: '販売実績(通期)', }, { binding: 'ytyAchievement', name: '対目標値', chartType: 'LineSymbols', }, ], axisY: { axisLine: true, title: '販売実績', }, selectionMode: chart.SelectionMode.Point, itemsSource: cvData, palette: [ 'rgba(42,159,214,1)', 'rgba(119,179,0,1)', 'rgba(153,51,204,1)', 'rgba(255,136,0,1)', 'rgba(204,0,0,1)', 'rgba(0,204,163,1)', 'rgba(61,109,204,1)', 'rgba(82,82,82,1)', 'rgba(0,0,0,1)', ], }); let axisY2 = new chart.Axis(); axisY2.position = chart.Position.Right; axisY2.title = '対目標値'; axisY2.format = 'p0'; axisY2.min = 0; axisY2.max = 1; axisY2.axisLine = true; getSeries('ytyAchievement', barchart).axisY = axisY2; const pie1 = new chart.FlexPie('#pieChart1', { bindingName: 'local', binding: 'lmactTotal', header: '<u>販売実績 (当月)<u> ', itemsSource: cvData, options: { htmlText: true }, legend: { position: chart.Position.None, }, startAngle: 89, dataLabel: { content: (ht) => { return `<span class="fill"> ${ht.name} <br> ${core.Globalize.format(ht.value / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'lmactTotal'), 'p0')} </span>`; }, }, palette: chart.Palettes.modern, }); const pie2 = new chart.FlexPie('#pieChart2', { bindingName: 'local', binding: 'ytyactTotal', header: '<u>販売実績 (通期)<u> ', itemsSource: cvData, options: { htmlText: true }, legend: { position: chart.Position.None, }, startAngle: 89, dataLabel: { content: (ht) => { return `<span class="fill"> ${ht.name} <br> ${core.Globalize.format(ht.value / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'ytyactTotal'), 'p0')} </span>`; }, }, palette: chart.Palettes.modern, }); let gauge1 = new RadialGauge('#gages1', { min: 0, max: 1, value: cvData.getAggregate(1, 'lmactTotal') / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'lmbudgetTotal'), startAngle: -45, sweepAngle: 280, showText: ShowText.Value, face: { thickness: 0.3, }, pointer: { thickness: 0.3, }, format: 'p0', }); let gauge2 = new RadialGauge('#gages2', { min: 0, max: 1, value: cvData.getAggregate(1, 'ytyactTotal') / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'ytybudgetTotal'), startAngle: -45, sweepAngle: 280, showText: ShowText.Value, face: { thickness: 0.3, }, pointer: { thickness: 0.3, }, format: 'p0', }); const multiRow = new MultiRow('#multiRow', { itemsSource: cvData, isReadOnly: true, alternatingRowStep: 0, allowSorting: AllowSorting.None, allowDragging: AllowDragging.None, cellEditEnded: (s, e) => { gauge1.value = cvData.getAggregate(1, 'lmactTotal') / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'lmbudgetTotal'); gauge2.value = cvData.getAggregate(1, 'ytyactTotal') / cvData.getAggregate(1, 'ytybudgetTotal'); }, headerLayoutDefinition: headerLayout, layoutDefinition: layout, }); document.getElementById('edit').addEventListener('change', (e) => { multiRow.isReadOnly = !e.target.checked; }); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>MESCIUS Wijmo Sales Performance Management</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name=”description” content=”Wijmoのコントロールを使用して、販売実績を管理するアプリケーションです。” /> <!-- SystemJS --> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/systemjs/0.21.5/system.src.js" integrity="sha512-skZbMyvYdNoZfLmiGn5ii6KmklM82rYX2uWctBhzaXPxJgiv4XBwJnFGr5k8s+6tE1pcR1nuTKghozJHyzMcoA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script> <script> System.import('./src/app'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div id="theTabPanel"> <div> <a>実績一覧</a> <div> グリッドデータの編集: <label><input type="checkbox" id="edit" />有効にする</label> <p> *グリッドの水色の背景色のセルは、自動計算されているため、値を直接変更することはできません。また、地区と項目の列のセルも常に読み取り専用に設定してあります。 </p> <div id="multiRow"></div> </div> </div> <div> <a>ダッシュボード</a> <div> <div class="tile"> <div id="chart"></div> </div> <div class="halfCards"> <div class="tile halfTile"> <div id="pieChart1"></div> </div> <div class="tile halfTile"> <div id="pieChart2"></div> </div> </div> <div class="halfCards"> <div class="tile halfTile"> <span class="gagesHeader">対目標値(当月)</span> <div id="gages1"></div> </div> <div class="tile halfTile"> <span class="gagesHeader">対目標値(通期)</span> <div id="gages2"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
import * as wjCore from '@mescius/wijmo'; export const data = [ { local: '北海道・東北', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 19, lmactVender: 5, lmbudgetStore: 20, lmbudgetVender: 5, lmpreviousStore: 18, lmpreviousVender: 5, ytyactStore: 125, ytyactVender: 75, ytybudgetStore: 240, ytybudgetVender: 85, ytypreviousStore: 220, ytypreviousVender: 80, }, { local: '関東', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 30, lmactVender: 7, lmbudgetStore: 30, lmbudgetVender: 10, lmpreviousStore: 21, lmpreviousVender: 6, ytyactStore: 175, ytyactVender: 56, ytybudgetStore: 360, ytybudgetVender: 120, ytypreviousStore: 330, ytypreviousVender: 98, }, { local: '中部', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 21, lmactVender: 6, lmbudgetStore: 25, lmbudgetVender: 8, lmpreviousStore: 17, lmpreviousVender: 6, ytyactStore: 130, ytyactVender: 48, ytybudgetStore: 245, ytybudgetVender: 88, ytypreviousStore: 230, ytypreviousVender: 80, }, { local: '関西', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 25, lmactVender: 8, lmbudgetStore: 23, lmbudgetVender: 7, lmpreviousStore: 18, lmpreviousVender: 5, ytyactStore: 152, ytyactVender: 56, ytybudgetStore: 300, ytybudgetVender: 90, ytypreviousStore: 290, ytypreviousVender: 85, }, { local: '中国・四国', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 22, lmactVender: 7, lmbudgetStore: 22, lmbudgetVender: 7, lmpreviousStore: 19, lmpreviousVender: 5, ytyactStore: 132, ytyactVender: 56, ytybudgetStore: 270, ytybudgetVender: 85, ytypreviousStore: 250, ytypreviousVender: 75, }, { local: '九州', actText: '販売実績', budgetText: '目標', shortageText: '過不足', previousText: '前年同期', yoyText: '対前年比', lmactStore: 21, lmactVender: 6, lmbudgetStore: 22, lmbudgetVender: 8, lmpreviousStore: 18, lmpreviousVender: 5, ytyactStore: 132, ytyactVender: 40, ytybudgetStore: 264, ytybudgetVender: 96, ytypreviousStore: 250, ytypreviousVender: 85, }, ]; export const cvData = new wjCore.CollectionView(data, { calculatedFields: { lmactTotal: ($) => $.lmactStore + $.lmactVender, lmbudgetTotal: ($) => $.lmbudgetStore + $.lmbudgetVender, lmshortageStore: ($) => $.lmactStore - $.lmbudgetStore, lmshortageVender: ($) => $.lmactVender - $.lmbudgetVender, lmshortageTotal: ($) => $.lmactTotal - $.lmbudgetTotal, lmpreviousTotal: ($) => $.lmpreviousStore + $.lmpreviousVender, lmyoyStore: ($) => ($.lmpreviousStore !== 0) ? $.lmactStore / $.lmpreviousStore : $.lmactStore, lmyoyVender: ($) => ($.lmpreviousVender !== 0) ? $.lmactVender / $.lmpreviousVender : $.lmactVender, lmyoyTotal: ($) => $.lmactTotal / $.lmpreviousTotal, ytyactStoreTotal: ($) => $.ytyactStore + $.lmactStore, ytyactVenderTotal: ($) => $.ytyactVender + $.lmactVender, ytyactTotal: ($) => $.ytyactStoreTotal + $.ytyactVenderTotal, ytybudgetStoreTotal: ($) => $.ytybudgetStore + $.lmbudgetStore, ytybudgetVenderTotal: ($) => $.ytybudgetVender + $.lmbudgetVender, ytybudgetTotal: ($) => $.ytybudgetStoreTotal + $.ytybudgetVenderTotal, ytyshortageStore: ($) => $.ytyactStoreTotal - $.ytybudgetStoreTotal, ytyshortageVender: ($) => $.ytyactVenderTotal - $.ytybudgetVenderTotal, ytyshortageTotal: ($) => $.ytyactTotal - $.ytybudgetTotal, ytypreviousStoreTotal: ($) => $.ytypreviousStore + $.lmpreviousStore, ytypreviousVenderTotal: ($) => $.ytypreviousVender + $.lmpreviousVender, ytyyoyStore: ($) => $.ytyactStoreTotal / $.ytypreviousStoreTotal, ytyyoyVender: ($) => $.ytyactVenderTotal / $.ytypreviousVenderTotal, ytyyoyTotal: ($) => $.ytyactTotal / $.ytypreviousTotal, ytyAchievement: ($) => $.ytyactTotal / $.ytybudgetTotal, ytypreviousTotal: ($) => $.ytypreviousStoreTotal + $.ytypreviousVenderTotal, }, }); export const headerLayout = [ { colspan: 2, cells: [ { header: '地区', align: 'center', colspan: 2, }, ], }, { colspan: 2, cells: [ { header: '項目', align: 'center', colspan: 2, }, ], }, { colspan: 3, cells: [ { header: '当月', colspan: 3, align: 'center', wordWrap: true }, { header: '卸売', colspan: 3, align: 'center' }, { header: '店舗', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, { header: '業者', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, { header: '卸売合計', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, ], }, { colspan: 3, cells: [ { header: '本年度累計', colspan: 3, align: 'center' }, { header: '卸売', colspan: 3, align: 'center' }, { header: '店舗', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, { header: '業者', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, { header: '卸売合計', colspan: 1, align: 'center' }, ], }, ]; export const layout = [ { colspan: 2, cells: [ { binding: 'local', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, ], }, { colspan: 2, cells: [ { binding: 'actText', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, { binding: 'budgetText', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, { binding: 'shortageText', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, { binding: 'previousText', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, { binding: 'yoyText', align: 'center', width: 15, colspan: 2, isReadOnly: true, }, ], }, { colspan: 3, cells: [ { binding: 'lmactStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmactVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmactTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'lmbudgetStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmbudgetVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmbudgetTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'lmshortageStore', align: 'center', cssClass: 'calculated', width: 80, colspan: 1, cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageStore < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'lmshortageVender', align: 'center', cssClass: 'calculated', width: 80, colspan: 1, cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageVender < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'lmshortageTotal', align: 'center', cssClass: 'calculated', width: 80, colspan: 1, cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageTotal < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'lmpreviousStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmpreviousVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, }, { binding: 'lmpreviousTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'lmyoyStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'lmyoyVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'lmyoyTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, ], }, { colspan: 3, cells: [ { binding: 'ytyactStoreTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyactVenderTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyactTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytybudgetStoreTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytybudgetVenderTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytybudgetTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyshortageStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageStore < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'ytyshortageVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageStore < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'ytyshortageTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', cellTemplate: (ctx) => `<span class=${ctx.item.lmshortageStore < 0 ? 'low-val' : ''}>${ctx.text}</span>`, }, { binding: 'ytypreviousStoreTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytypreviousVenderTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytypreviousTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyyoyStore', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyyoyVender', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, { binding: 'ytyyoyTotal', align: 'center', width: 80, colspan: 1, format: 'p1', cssClass: 'calculated', }, ], }, ]; // get a series by its binding export function getSeries(binding, barchart) { let s = barchart.series; // for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (s[i].binding == binding) { return s[i]; } } // return null; }
.wj-flexgrid { height: 500px; } .low-val { color: darkred; font-weight: bold; } .calculated { background-color: azure; } .tile { width: 100%; height: 400px; background: white; border-radius: 0.5rem; box-sizing: border-box; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07), 0 2px 4px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07), 0 4px 8px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07), 0 8px 16px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07), 0 16px 24px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07), 0 24px 32px rgba(55, 63, 66, 0.07); } .wj-flexchart .wj-data-labels .wj-data-label { fill: white; } .halfTile { width: 50%; } .fill { font-size: 14px; } .halfCards { display: flex; } #theTabPanel { padding-left: 20px; } #gages1, #gages2 { height: 280px; } .gagesHeader { font-size: 16pt; font-weight: 400; display: block; fill: #666; text-align: center; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-decoration: underline solid #000000; }
(function (global) { System.config({ transpiler: 'plugin-babel', babelOptions: { es2015: true }, meta: { '*.css': { loader: 'css' } }, paths: { // paths serve as alias 'npm:': 'node_modules/' }, // map tells the System loader where to look for things map: { 'jszip': 'npm:jszip/dist/jszip.js', '@mescius/wijmo': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.input': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.input/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.styles': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.styles', '@mescius/wijmo.cultures': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.cultures', '@mescius/wijmo.chart': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.analytics': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.analytics/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.animation': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.animation/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.annotation': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.annotation/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.finance': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.finance/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.finance.analytics': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.finance.analytics/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.hierarchical': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.hierarchical/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.interaction': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.interaction/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.radar': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.radar/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.render': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.render/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.webgl': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.webgl/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.chart.map': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.chart.map/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.gauge': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.gauge/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.detail': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.detail/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.filter': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.filter/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.search': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.search/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.grouppanel': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.grouppanel/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.multirow': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.multirow/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.transposed': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.transposed/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.transposedmultirow': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.transposedmultirow/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.pdf': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.pdf/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.sheet': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.sheet/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.xlsx': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.xlsx/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.selector': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.selector/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.grid.cellmaker': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.grid.cellmaker/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.nav': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.nav/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.odata': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.odata/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.olap': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.olap/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.rest': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.rest/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.pdf': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.pdf/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.pdf.security': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.pdf.security/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.viewer': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.viewer/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.xlsx': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.xlsx/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.undo': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.undo/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.interop.grid': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.interop.grid/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.touch': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.touch/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.cloud': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.cloud/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.barcode': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.barcode/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.barcode.common': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.barcode.common/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.barcode.composite': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.barcode.composite/index.js', '@mescius/wijmo.barcode.specialized': 'npm:@mescius/wijmo.barcode.specialized/index.js', 'jszip': 'npm:jszip/dist/jszip.js', 'react': 'npm:react/umd/react.production.min.js', 'react-dom': 'npm:react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js', 'react-dom/client': 'npm:react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js', 'redux': 'npm:redux/dist/redux.min.js', 'react-redux': 'npm:react-redux/dist/react-redux.min.js', 'bootstrap.css': 'npm:bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'css': 'npm:systemjs-plugin-css/css.js', 'plugin-babel': 'npm:systemjs-plugin-babel/plugin-babel.js', 'systemjs-babel-build':'npm:systemjs-plugin-babel/systemjs-babel-browser.js' }, // packages tells the System loader how to load when no filename and/or no extension packages: { src: { defaultExtension: 'js' }, "node_modules": { defaultExtension: 'js' }, } }); })(this);