• new TimescaleTier()
• count: number
1 目盛りが時間を何単位で表すかを示す数値を取得または設定します。デフォルト値は 1 です。
• formatter: string
| TimescaleLabelFormatter
Gets or sets the formatter for this tier, which is used to format the tick labels. The formatter could be a Spread Number Format string for Date value like "yyyy-mm-dd", with GanttSheet special keywords supports, or could be a callback function which will be executed in formatting.
// Following keywords could be used within the formatter string. They could be used standalone, or combined with literal text or Spread Number Formatting text.
'{!YEAR_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of years from project start date.
'{!YEAR_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of years from project finish date.
'{!HALF_YEAR("H1", "H2")}' // Replace with the parameter text for the corresponding half year,
'{!HALF_YEAR_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of half years from project start date.
'{!HALF_YEAR_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of half years from project finish date.
'{!QUARTER("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")}' // Replace with the parameter text for the corresponding quarter in year.
'{!QUARTER_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of quarters from project start date.
'{!QUARTER_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of quarters from project finish date.
'{!MONTH_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of months from project start date.
'{!MONTH_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of months from project finish date.
'{!THIRDS_OF_MONTH("B", "M", "E")}' // Replace with the parameter text for the corresponding thirds of month.
'{!WEEK_OF_YEAR}' //Replace with the number that indicates the week index in year.
'{!DAY_OF_WEEK("SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THR", "FRI", "STA")}' // Replace with the parameter text for the corresponding day of week.
'{!WEEK_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of weeks from project start date.
'{!WEEK_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of weeks from project finish date.
'{!DAY_OF_YEAR}' // Replace with the number 1 to 366 indicates the day index of year.
'{!DAY_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of days from project start date.
'{!DAY_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of days from project finish date.
'{!HOUR_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of hours from project start date.
'{!HOUR_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of hours from project finish date.
'{!MINUTE}' // Replace with minute value, because "mm" will be treated as month in Number Formatting.
'{!MINUTE_FROM_START}' // Replace with the number of minutes from project start date.
'{!MINUTE_FROM_END}' // Replace with the number of minutes from project finish date.
• labelAlign: "Left"
| "Center"
| "Right"
Gets or sets a string value that indicates the alignment of tick label. The default is "Left".
• showTickLines: boolean
Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates show tick lines for this tier or not. The default value is true.
• unit: TimescaleUnit
Gets or sets the unit for this tier.