ComponentOne Excel for .NET を使用すると、アプリケーションのコードから直接 Microsoft Excel ファイルを作成できます。 コードで公開される操作しやすい Excel オブジェクトモデルの可能性は無限です。グリッド、スケジュール、チャートなど、 Excel エクスポートを直接サポートしないデータから Excel ファイルを作成できます。Excel for .NET は、式、セルスタイル、 および Excel 書式設定をサポートします。このサンプルでは、C1XLBook コントロールを使用して、NorthWind 製品情報を含むワークブックを作成します。 各製品カテゴリが別々のワークシートに配置されます。
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using MvcExplorer.Models; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System; using C1.Excel; using System.Linq; namespace MvcExplorer.Controllers { public partial class ExcelController : Controller { public ExcelController(C1NWindEntities db) { _db = db; } private readonly C1NWindEntities _db; public ActionResult Index() { return View(new ExcelViewModel()); } //private C1NWindEntities _db = new C1NWindEntities(); XLStyle _styTitle; XLStyle _styHeader; XLStyle _styMoney; XLStyle _styOrder; C1XLBook _c1xl = new C1XLBook(); protected static string TEMP_DIR; public ActionResult GenerateExcel(bool isXls) { //Startup.Environment.WebRootPath TEMP_DIR = Startup.Environment.WebRootPath + "\\Temp"; if (!Directory.Exists(TEMP_DIR)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(TEMP_DIR); } string file = CreateExcelFile(isXls); try { var content = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var fileName = "Excel." + (isXls ? "xls" : "xlsx"); return File(content, "application/ms-excel", fileName);//FileStreamResult } catch (Exception ex) { Response.WriteAsync(ex.Message); } return View(isXls); } private string CreateExcelFile(bool isXls=false) { //clear Excel book, remove the single blank sheet _c1xl.Clear(); _c1xl.Sheets.Clear(); _c1xl.DefaultFont = new XLFont("Tahoma", 8); //create Excel styles _styTitle = new XLStyle(_c1xl); _styHeader = new XLStyle(_c1xl); _styMoney = new XLStyle(_c1xl); _styOrder = new XLStyle(_c1xl); //set up styles _styTitle.Font = new XLFont(_c1xl.DefaultFont.FontName, 15,true, false); _styTitle.ForeColor = Color.Blue; _styHeader.Font = new XLFont(_c1xl.DefaultFont.FontName, _c1xl.DefaultFont.FontSize, true, false); _styHeader.ForeColor = Color.White; _styHeader.BackColor = Color.DarkGray; _styMoney.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL("c"); _styOrder.Font = _styHeader.Font; _styOrder.ForeColor = Color.Red; //create report with one sheet per category List<Category> categories = _db.Categories.ToList<Category>(); foreach (Category category in categories) { CreateSheet(category); } //save xls file string uid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string file = TEMP_DIR + "\\testexcel" + uid + (isXls? ".xls" : ".xlsx"); _c1xl.Save(file, isXls ? FileFormat.Biff8 :FileFormat.OpenXml); _c1xl.Dispose(); return file; } private void CreateSheet(Category category) { //get current category name string catName = category.CategoryName; //add a new worksheet to the workbook //('/' is invalid in sheet names, so replace it with '+') string sheetName = catName.Replace("/", " + "); XLSheet sheet = _c1xl.Sheets.Add(sheetName); //add title to worksheet sheet[0, 0].Value = catName; sheet.Rows[0].Style = _styTitle; // set column widths (in twips) sheet.Columns[0].Width = 300; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 2200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 1600; sheet.Columns[4].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[5].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[6].Width = 1000; //add column headers int row = 2; sheet.Rows[row].Style = _styHeader; sheet[row, 1].Value = "Product Name"; sheet[row, 2].Value = "Unit Price"; sheet[row, 3].Value = "Qty/Unit"; sheet[row, 4].Value = "Stock Units"; sheet[row, 5].Value = "Stock Value"; sheet[row, 6].Value = "Reorder"; //loop through products in this category //DataRow[] products = category.GetChildRows("Categories_Products"); List<Product> products = _db.Products.Where(pro => pro.CategoryID == category.CategoryID).ToList<Product>(); foreach (Product product in products) { //move on to next row row++; //add row with some data sheet[row, 1].Value = product.ProductName; sheet[row, 2].Value = product.UnitPrice; sheet[row, 3].Value = product.QuantityPerUnit; sheet[row, 4].Value = product.UnitsInStock; //calculate value in stock double valueInStock =Convert.ToDouble(product.UnitPrice) * Convert.ToInt32(product.UnitsInStock); sheet[row, 5].Value = valueInStock; //check reorder level if (Convert.ToInt32(product.UnitsInStock) <= Convert.ToInt32(product.ReorderLevel)) { sheet[row, 6].Value = "<<<"; sheet[row, 6].Style = _styOrder; } //format money cells sheet[row, 2].Style = _styMoney; sheet[row, 5].Style = _styMoney; } if (products.Count == 0) { row++; sheet[row, 1].Value = "No products in this category"; } } } }
@model ExcelViewModel @using (Html.BeginForm("GenerateExcel", "Excel")) { @Html.Raw(@ExcelRes.Index_OutputType) <br /> <label> @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.IsXls, true)Xls @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.IsXls, false)Xlsx </label> <input type="submit" value="@ExcelRes.Index_GenerateExcel" /> } <p></p> <img src="~/Content/images/excelWorkSheets.PNG" /> @section Description{ <p>@Html.Raw(ExcelRes.Index_Text0)</p> }